The Terravision team recently launched operations in Botswana and reports that “in spite of unseasonal rain, penetration depth was in excess of 100 m on kimberlite and coal trial jobs. Terravision-LOZA is a high powered mono-pulse system that delivers measurable benefits in both time and cost for our clients. The mono-pulse system waveforms create a cross section radar image of the subsurface. As each shot is precisely measured this enables the resulting 3D modelling. The data for processing can be viewed in three typical representations. Key features:
- Detailed 3D mapping up to 200 m below surface
- Non-invasive and no permanent environmental impact so minimises any local objection
- Rapid and easy deployment of lightweight equipment and small survey team of usually two specialists
- Proprietary patented software employed to analyse data captured. Can be immediate on site or can be processed at data centre (clients’ or Terravision’s)
- Quick mapping of target area with minimal preparation of the terrain. Team need to be able to walk in broadly straight lines.
The resulting mapping provides, says Terravision, “an unrivalled view of the sub-surface and if calibrated off a core sample a clearly delineated model from which you can plan a cost effective drilling program to achieve an early competent persons’ or 43-101 report earlier and without wasted drilling dollars. The picture shows an image delineating a gold bearing body showing structures to 180 m.