
PERUMIN will analyse economic growth with social inclusion in September

Posted on 27 Mar 2013

PERUMIN – the 31st Mining Convention, Peru’s most important mining event, organised by the  Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas del Perú (Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers IIMP), will also be on of the biggest event at international level this year. The organising committee, led by Engineer Abraham Chahuan, reports that they expect 75,000 visitors and registration of 15,000 mining professionals and business people from over 40 countries. Furthermore, the exhibition will consist of 2213 booths on 11 ha at Cerro Juli fairground in the city of Arequipa. PERUMIN will be held from September 16 to 20, 2013.

The main theme of the event will be Mining, an Opportunity for Development and Social Inclusion. Considering the challenges the country is currently facing, the several event activities are being organised taking into account the challenge of social inclusion. The main meetings to be held at PERUMIN include: the Entrepreneurial Meeting, Top Mining in Peru, the Logistics Meeting, the Technology and Research Meeting and the EXTEMIN Technology Exhibition.

The Entrepreneurial Meeting preliminary program considers the development of six essential thematic blocks within Peru’s current context: Strategies for continuity of economic growth with social inclusion; Routes for the construction of an efficient and inclusive State; Environmental challenges faced by the productive sectors in the framework of climate change; Globalisation and its impact on the communities; Violence and understanding in contemporary society; and Challenges to achieve the development of human talent.

Each of these thematic blocks will be by masterly speakers and specialists in each of the topics will provide their comments. It is worth mentioning that there will be an opportunity to review the role private investment plays in the economic growth of Arequipa, during a special session in which entrepreneurial and social leaders from this important region in southern Peru will participate.

The organising committee is also preparing the Top Mining in Peru meeting, which will include a revision of the mining investment project portfolio of the Ministry of Energy and Mines for the coming years, which currently amounts to more than $54 billion. The preliminary program includes conference blocks for the mining expansion projects, explorations and mines under construction, as well as a special session for large mining projects in Latin America.