ICMM has released a report titled Responsible reporting of mineral assets describing the work of the Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards (CRIRSCO). CRIRSCO is a volunteer run international organisation aimed at establishing international standards for the reporting of mineral resource and reserve estimates and has worked with ICMM in a strategic alliance since 2007.
CRIRSCO’s objectives are to:
- promote uniformity, excellence and continuous improvement in national and international reporting standards through consultation and co-operation
- represent the international minerals industry on resource and reserve reporting issues, including discussions with other international organisations, attending international meetings and providing written submissions
- encourage the continued development of international exchange of competent/qualified persons through nationally-based recognised professional organisations.
Encouraging leading practice in resource estimation is consistent with ICMM’s sustainable development goals and brings added assurance that a nation’s mineral wealth is being developed in a responsible manner.
Most developed countries use almost identical resource and reserve definitions as defined in the CRIRSCO reporting template, and new codes and standards are being based on the template. This unified approach has provided the mining industry, regulators and investors with a common framework to report and interpret mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates, thereby facilitating funding to the mining industry through improved investor understanding and confidence.