Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel (ULSD) – Not Your Same Old Diesel Fuel Anymore is a new best practices guidance bulletin from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM); the bulletin warns of the greater static electricity ignition hazards associated with use of Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel (ULSD). With federal regulations mandating ULSD use, AEM undertook the educational outreach to help inform machine operators and others on mining jobsites about ULSD characteristics that can affect safety during refuelling.
The bulletin explains that the removal of sulphur and other compounds in ULSD fuel decreases its conductivity and increases its ability to store static charge. “Static electricity discharge when combustible vapors are present could result in a fire or explosion,” the bulletin notes. Many off-highway diesel-powered machinery operators been using this new formulation of ULSD. While it may not be noticeable to most users, there may be a greater risk of static electricity ignition if their refueling systems are not properly functioning or maintained. The bulletin urges industry workers to consult with their fuel or fuel system supplier to ensure the delivery system is in compliance with fueling standards for proper grounding and bonding practices.
A multi-sector AEM ad hoc committee of member companies developed the best practices bulletin and AEM is encouraging industry groups and government entities to disseminate the bulletin to foster widespread understanding of the related risks during ULSD refuelling. “About 90% of off-road equipment is run on diesel and at one time the fuel had upwards of 5,000 ppm sulfur content compared with 15 ppm today,” stated Mike Weber, AEM technical and safety services manager. “ULSD is now required for on-highway and off-highway applications in the North American market and we need to educate users who may be unaware of the changes in the physical properties of ULSD and the potential for harm during refuelling.”