
Sandvik gives preview of new high throughput hybrid rolls at Bergneustadt facility

Posted on 5 Sep 2013

The Sandvik Mining, Crushing & Screening Production Unit in Bergneustadt, Germany recently held an invitational open day for international customers, where the equipment produced at the facility was showcased to customers. These machines include CR810 hybrid roll crushers; CR600 sizers; CM420 hammer mills; and the CR310 surface feeder breaker. Attendees were able to view one fully assembled and two partially assembled CR810/18-40 hybrids and key sub-assemblies and attend presentations on how the crushers help deliver high capacities and consistent product size in a range of challenging applications.

The hybrid roll crushers are particularly relevant to IPCC projects, and will be discussed amongst other equipment at the forthcoming IPCC event in Cologne, Germany, from 13-15 October. Registration is still open at In addition some booths and sponsorship opportunities remain available. Please contact Paul Moore, the Conference Director, for more details at [email protected]

The attendees were able to do a workshop tour to view what Sandvik describes as “the future of roll crushing” including the largest CR810 hybrid roll crusher ever produced capable of producing 11,500 t/h in an iron ore application in Brazil; and a CR630 multi-roll sizer designed for high capacity coal processing destined for Thailand. The company said the event also included discussion of “design expertise in primary crushing applications to optimise high capacity crushing stations in mining; local production competence and strong relationships within key players in the supply chain to deliver quality products to the market; and research developments in wear materials for better crushing performance, reduced planned maintenance and lower operating costs.”

Sandvik states that feedback from the event by customers showed that it was “a genuinely international and informative event where attendees were able to view the equipment and interact with designers and engineers to learn more about roll crusher technology within Sandvik Mining.”