
Agilent introduces next-generation spectrometer at Mining Indaba in Cape Town

Posted on 4 Feb 2014

Agilent Technologies introduced its next-generation microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometer (MP-AES) at Mining Indaba this week. Agilent also presented its full portfolio of solutions for the mining industry, including MP-AES, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer, micro gas chromatograph, portable Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, atomic absorption, inductively coupled plasma triple quad mass spectrometer and other micro GC and portable FTIR technologies.

“Agilent has hit a home run with its new MP-AES instrument, which is ideal for both gold and base metal analysis,” said Agilent customer Bobby Joe Reichel of Newmont Mining Corp.

“MP-AES is a revolutionary technology that runs entirely on air,” said Agilent’s Keith Bratchford, General Manager, spectroscopy products. “It is perfectly suited for the analytical needs of the mining industry and now offers expanded application capabilities, such as remote analysis of major and minor elements in geological samples.”

Throughout Indaba Agilent scientists and product specialists are demonstrating how the company’s atomic spectroscopy products address a wide variety of mining needs, including remote, field-based analysis of samples, and laboratory solutions