
Step-change in load and haul productivity, optimising digging and loading equipment

Posted on 10 Apr 2014

CRCMining has developed world-leading capability to optimise equipment selection, bucket design and sizing, based on characterising dig conditions and machine performance, with sophisticated expertise in investigating and improving the performance of materials handling systems. Truck and shovel haulage systems typically operate well below their potential capacity, significantly impairing the productivity of load and haul mining systems.  This is usually a result of improperly matched or inappropriately sized equipment, or poorly designed GET (ground engaging tools).  Tailoring digging equipment for mine-specific dig conditions significantly increases the productivity of these machines, offering a direct and substantial improvement to mine profitability.

CRCMining’s Hard Rock and Surface Mining Program Leader, Dihon Tadic, explains the key outcomes for the mining industry, “CRCMining’s on-site digging characterisation and scaled laboratory dig testing allows us to design buckets that can significantly boost shovel and excavator performance, reduce maintenance costs, ensure optimal equipment sizing and improve operational control.”

“CRCMining has developed sophisticated capability for investigating and improving the performance of materials handling systems, by accurately replicating the digging response of the exact types of materials that the equipment is working with on-site.”

“Understanding and controlling excavation performance subsequently allows improvements to overall material movement efficiency, and significantly increases loading and haulage system productivity,” said Tadic.

Evaluating and sizing digging machines, and selecting suitable bucket and dipper designs for the particular blasted materials, is difficult due to complex interactions between the equipment and materials, dig condition variability and operator effects.

Equipment selection and sizing is especially difficult for new mining operations or for existing mines where dig conditions change considerably across different operating zones.

CRCMining’s specialised research experts use cutting-edge technologies to determine correct sizing and design of buckets to match haulage equipment and reduce truck payload variance. The technology also enables tailored blast design (control of fragmentation, size distribution, bulk density variation, etc.) to improve excavation performance.

“With our dedicated scaled digging facilities we can develop and test bucket designs in mine-specific dig conditions, assess GET and wear package effects, and trial automated digging strategies, allowing accurate and efficient performance assessment and equipment optimisation,” said Tadic.

“This unique capability also allows investigation of the effect of blasted material properties on digging performance, providing opportunity to examine tailored blast designs to improve loading efficiency and consistency.”

CRCMining’s engineers visit mine sites around the world, to evaluate and analyse existing digging and loading performance, and fragmented material properties, enabling sophisticated analysis, and improvements in a range of different mining operations.

Tadic explains the significant benefits provided to industry, “The knowledge and technology we have provided to mining companies has often proved critical for mine planning and investment, and delivered significant gains in productivity. Our research and analysis has influenced fundamental decision-making for some of the largest mining projects in the world, assisting to avoid costly mistakes, and resulting in billions of dollars in gains and cost savings.”