
Water management advice from the International Council on Mining and Metals

Posted on 22 Apr 2014

ICMM has released its Water Stewardship Framework outlining a common industry approach to using a shared resource that is an essential part of all mining and metals operations. Water stewardship involves consideration of water-related issues both within and beyond operational boundaries. To do this effectively requires proactive and inclusive engagement with relevant stakeholder including host communities. ICMM’s Ross Hamilton launched the framework at the UN CEO Water Mandate in Lima, Peru earlier in April, joining experts from civil society, government, academia and industry discussing challenges and opportunities in effective water management.

He said, “Water is one of the most significant issues facing the mining and metals industry. It is a critical resource not only for all of our members’ operations but also for other industries, communities and the natural environment.”

Water management was extensively covered in International Mining’s March issue.

ICMM’s member companies are committed to a water management approach based on finding solutions that work for the business and for those other water users. The framework is built around four key elements:
1. Be transparent and accountable
2. Engage proactively and inclusively
3. Adopt a catchment-based approach
4. Effective water resource management.