The World Coal Association (WCA) has launched a detailed package of reports to help coal producers to comply with the new International Maritime Organization (IMO) classification requirements under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Convention and the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code.
The publication Coal Classification – Industry approach to hazard classification under the revised MARPOL Convention and the IMSBC Code was written on behalf of the WCA by ARCHE, a consultancy specialising in environmental toxicology, under the oversight of the WCA Technical Working Group on Coal Classification. The report has been released in time for coal producers to meet the compliance deadline of 1 January 2015.
Milton Catelin, WCA Chief Executive said: “This series of reports is essential reading for all coal producing companies shipping coal overseas. Coal cargoes need to be assessed against a new set of classification criteria before the end of the year and these reports provide the necessary guidance to ensure coal producers meet this pressing deadline.”
The IMO has introduced new environmental and health classification criteria for internationally shipped solid bulk cargoes under the MARPOL and the IMSBC Code. Under MARPOL, the new classification criteria enable the identification of substances harmful to the marine environment (HME). Under the IMSBC Code, new classification criteria were introduced to identify materials hazardous only in bulk (MHB).
The publication includes three reports, along with a summary document:
Report 1: New Compliance Requirements of the MARPOL Convention and the IMSBC Code
Report 2: Analysis of Coal Composition, Ecotoxicity and Human Health Hazards
Report 3: Coal Classification Guidance
Milton Catelin commented: “Not only does the WCA provide a global voice for coal across numerous energy, environment and development forums, but we produce indispensable material that is crucial information for all coal producers. WCA Members are able to access these reports free of charge. Non-WCA Members are able to purchase the reports via the WCA website or can choose to join the WCA and get free access to the reports, along with all the other benefits of membership.”
Image © Trafigura Beheer BV