
Coal and transport – the role of liquid fuels from coal

Posted on 29 Jul 2014

The latest Coal Matters fact sheet from the World Coal Association (WCA) focuses on the role of coal in transportation. Liquid fuels from coal provide a viable alternative to conventional oil products and can be used in the existing supply infrastructure. Several coal-to-liquids (CTL) demonstration plants are being developed in China. CTL currently provides 20% of South Africa’s transport needs including 7.5% of jet fuel.

Converting coal to a liquid fuel – a process referred to as coal liquefaction – allows coal to be used as an alternative to oil. There are two different methods for converting coal into liquid fuels:

Direct liquefaction works by dissolving the coal in a solvent at high temperature and pressure. This process is highly efficient, but the liquid products require further refining to achieve high grade fuel characteristics.

Indirect liquefaction gasifies the coal to form a ‘syngas’ (a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide). The syngas is then condensed over a catalyst – the ‘Fischer-Tropsch’ process – to produce high quality, ultra-clean products.

Coal-derived liquid fuels are also sulphur-free, low in particulates, with low levels of oxides of nitrogen, providing local and regional air quality benefits in comparison to oil.