
FLSmidth wins Blair Multi Rope hoist order from Mopani Copper

Posted on 13 Aug 2014

FLSmidth’s global product division, Mine Shaft Systems (MSS), formed in mid-2012 to align and focus efforts in this form for material handling, has now been awarded the supply of the core element in the transport of materials and resources in an underground mine in Zambia. The MSS unit of the Material Handling division has been awarded a contract for four Blair Multi Rope (BMR) hoists from Glencore’s Mopani Copper Mines in Zambia, one of the biggest miners and exporters of copper and cobalt in the world.

There are only about 50 Blair Multi Rope hoists installed around the world. The order consists of two single drum BMR’s (single 8 MW motor and drive) and two double drums BMR’s (twin 8 MW and drives). The electrical scope is supplied directly to the client by Actom in conjunction with GE. The drum diameter is 5.7 m by 1.8 m wide, all six drums are identical and the hoists will be delivered in late 2015.

The achievement, FLSmidth says in “gaining this contract is the result of strong global efforts across the MSS unit and dedication of the individuals involved in the global FLSmidth organisation.”

The Lusaka Times reported last October that Mopani was “on course to commission its $323 million deep mine copper project by the second quarter of 2015.

“It said in a statement that the deep shaft has reached a depth of 1,000 m and there is only another 277 m to go to reach the final depth.

The shaft will enable the mining firm to access to some 115 Mt of ore. Mopani said its Synclinorium Shaft is designed to extend the lifespan of its Nkana copper mine in Kitwe by 25 to 30 years and safeguard up to 3,000 jobs.”