The AMIRA P260G – Flotation project is now set to commence in mid September 2014 after the confirmation of key sponsorship funding and will continue the tradition of the AMIRA P260 series of projects that has delivered value to the minerals processing sector for more than 25 years. The P260 project is led by the team at the Ian Wark Research Institute (The WarkTM) at the University of South Australia. This has been delivering successful research and technology transfer outcomes in mineral flotation to more than 100 mineral industry sponsors during the course of the previous six iterations of the project.
An independent study on the AMIRA P260 project by RMDSTEM Ltd revealed more than $1 billion value added to the minerals industry over the project lifetime, primarily through improved recovery and reduced operating costs. Industry received a 22:1 return for every research dollar invested. The project has also produced 50 postgraduates, the majority of whom now work in the mining and processing sector.
A principal focus of the AMIRA P260 series of projects has been to develop tools and methodologies to improve understanding of factors which control the separation efficiency of minerals containing base metals in the flotation process. Importantly for sponsoring companies, the AMIRA P260 series of projects has addressed problems related to site and ore specific characteristics at over 30 different sites world-wide.
For further information on this project please contact Chris Ward at [email protected].