
INGEMMET and ProInversión working hard to facilitate Peruvian exploration

Posted on 1 Oct 2014

Peru’s Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico [Mining and Metallurgical Geological Institute] (INGEMMET) is updating the data of the National Geological Map at 1:100.000 in order to have it ready by the end of next year, Eng. Susana Vilca President of the institution, told MinerAndina.Com. The National Geological Map set consists of 501 maps covering the entire country. Each geological map or group of maps, is accompanied by a study in which geomorphology, stratigraphy, tectonics, economic geology, historical geology of the region studied stratigraphic sections and results of laboratory tests are described.

This is the pre-upgrade of the Andean orogeny of the Geological Map scale 1:50,000 scheduled for late 2021, which, once completed, will give way to update the Amazon region at that level.

Thus, the National Geological Map provides accurate geological information: the Peruvian soil contents and also the type of mineral resources. The information will be freely accessible to all citizens.

“We are also planning to update the southern Eastern Cordillera, not only mapping, but also identifying the type of mining resources, because that area is a virgin site for mineral exploration. I think we’re going to help a lot of mining and exploration companies. It plans to start studies in 2015 and part of 2016, from the mountains to the jungle”, Vilca said.

Within its mandate to promote mining during 2014 INGEMMET has referred to the Agencia de Promoción de la Inversión Privada [Agency for Promotion of Private Investment] (ProInversión) three reports of Areas of Inadmissibility of Claims (ANAPS): Colca (14,100 ha), Jalaoca (6,400 ha) and Cahuacho (800 ha) and, currently being evaluated, an additional 17,200 ha.

“There are other studies, such as the Cotabambas area in Apurimac, areas that are seeing very interesting and I think it’s going to get Proinversion very well,” said the senior official. Thus, INGEMMET is leading the strengthening of research planning through various initiatives. The goal is to standardise the information to facilitate full consultation process geological information and level of knowledge of our geological, mining and energy potential.