WS Tyler’s new 13,000 square foot Hydro-Clean testing facility in Conyers, Georgia, features the company’s Hydro-Clean test plant. The new facility, which officially launched in September, gives customers a fast, risk-free option for testing challenging materials to determine profit potential. Customers begin the testing process by sending a sample of material to be tested on a laboratory Hydro-Clean unit. The test determines the percentage of particles minus 200 mesh, which allows WS Tyler to identify the amount of clay in the material to determine whether the material can be successfully cleaned in the Hydro-Clean. After confirmation, WS Tyler sends a Hydro-Clean test kit for the customer to fill with about 1.5 t of material to be tested at the Hydro-Clean test plant.
The Hydro-Clean uses high-pressure water to effectively clean deleterious material from aggregate, mining, recycled and other minerals. The results are cleaner products, higher selling values and profits from material that was previously considered waste. The Hydro-Clean comes in both stationary and mobile options, and reduces water usage by as much as 75% compared to traditional washing systems. Beyond its water-savings capabilities, the test facility incorporates a water recycling system that collects drainage water in a retaining pond. Using five technologically advanced filter chambers, the Hydro-Clean recycles and reuses up to 90% of the water from each washing cycle.
The facility allows customers to test material on site to see whether the Hydro-Clean is a fit for their applications and to see how it will boost their profits. Customers are invited to travel to the Conyers facility, situated just outside of Atlanta, to see their materials before and after the Hydro-Clean test and talk through the results with WS Tyler washing equipment experts. The testing facility complements the option to have the mobile test plant travel to customer sites.
“Our goal in building this test facility was to give customers a timely way to have their materials tested in the Hydro-Clean, and through the testing demonstrate how it can make their operations more efficient and make them more money,” said Beau Backus, Sales Manager at WS Tyler’s Haver & Tyler Appalachians Division in Conyers. “Beyond the convenience, the site demonstrates the amount of sellable material customers can achieve while reducing water and
energy expenses with the Hydro-Clean.”
Because of the reduced water usage for the cleaning process and the ability to recycle most of the water, the Hydro-Clean is an especially ideal solution for Southwestern states where water restrictions make cleaning materials particularly challenging. Following the test, the customer receives the washed product along with a feasibility report outlining the test results. It includes WS Tyler’s recommendations on what size Hydro-Clean would fit the customer’s operation. It also breaks down the tonnes per hour at which the customer can wash their contaminated material.