
International Mining Technology Hall of Fame runners up

Posted on 21 Nov 2014

Competition was fierce for the inductions to be celebrated at the International Mining Technology Hall of Fame gala dinner in the Brown Palace Hotel, Denver on February 16 ( lead sponsor Stantec. An article on the runners up has now been posted Unless otherwise requested, those runners up roll over for possible induction in 2016. Don’t forget to get your nominations in, by the start of August next year. The article elaborates on those who came so close, like Gekkos’ Sandy Grey, Bob Lipic of mti, Dick Stahura of Martin Engineering, Founder and Chairman of Trolex John Pierce-Jones and Micromine’s Graeme Tuder. Dr Peter Kaiser, the Founding Director of the Rio Tinto Centre for Underground Mine Construction (RTC-UMC) at CEMI, ran close in Underground Development, as did Morris Medd of Redpath. Dale Elphinstone was highly commended in Underground Load and haul. Rick Howes, CEO at Dundee Precious Metals has a made a transformational contribution to the industry with his work at Chelopech mine in Bulgaria. Deane Tunaley and Stuart Thomson developed Orica’s Vistis™ and Vistan™ aiming for a practical higher- energy, higher-velocity of detonation explosive that would make the downstream grinding processes more efficient. Not too far behind in the voting for Outstanding Innovator were Nick Hazen and Sverker Hartwig. Hazen is President and CEO of Hazen Research. Atlas Copco’s Hartwig has long been a driving force in advancing rapid underground development.