
Immersive Technologies launches machine pre-start inspection tool

Posted on 25 Dec 2014

Everyday thousands of operators across the world begin their shift by assessing and responding to equipment issues before they begin operations but how can mines be sure pre-start inspections are properly completed and that safety, machine uptime and maintenance costs have not been compromised? A new interactive and virtual tool from Immersive Technologies has been launched to ensure effective and consistent training and assessment of operators on machine inspection routines. Early detection of equipment that is unsafe or worn saves on maintenance costs and reduces likelihood of injury, downtime or environmental damage. The new Pre-Start Inspection tool from Immersive Technologies trains and assesses mining personnel on the correct identification and actions to be taken in relation to equipment issues. This tool allows operators to demonstrate competency when real world training is not possible and where mistakes are costly if undetected.

The machine pre-start training tool provides an interactive environment enabling a trainee to control the movement around the simulated machine and in and around an object or component. Trainees can examine lubricant inspection panels and all other inspection items on site checklists in life-like detail then be assessed on the understanding and level of accuracy at conducting inspections.

“Scenarios with varying levels of wear or damage can be configured to ensure operators are able to recognize varying levels of damage by providing configurable training.  Operators are able to familiarize themselves with common points of failure or wear and the correct reporting to maintenance ultimately improving capital prudence and increasing safety, ” says Tim Radbone, Product Manager, Immersive Technologies.