
ArcelorMittal sells Kuzbass coal mines, Midway Gold announces update on Pan mine, and much, much more

Posted on 23 Jan 2015

The latest issue of International Mining Project News, out today, has reports on 15 prefeasibility studies, three feasibility studies, 10 projects in development, six new mines that have gone into production, five existing mines that are expanding, four merger and acquisition announcements and many new appointments to new positions. The report covers 19 gold projects, eight copper, six silver projects, four iron ore, three coal projects, two uranium, rare earths, and zinc projects, three tungsten and nickel projects, two projects on graphite, molybdenum, lithium, diamonds and lead, and one project each on anorthosite, manganese, cobalt, sulphur, niobium, tin, potash, vanadium, titanium, phosphate, mineral sands, ferro alloys and PGMs. Contact [email protected] to access a free 30 day online trial.

ArcelorMittal has announced the sale of its interest in the Kuzbass coal mines in the Kemerovo region of Siberia, Russia, to Russia’s National Fuel Company (NTK). The assets include the coal mines of Berezovskaya and Pervomaskaya, which together produce 700,000 t/y of coal.

ArcelorMittal acquired the Kuzbass mines in 2008 as part of the company’s strategy to secure delivery of coal to ArcelorMittal steel operations in Ukraine.

Bill Scotting, CEO of ArcelorMittal Mining, said: “The decision to dispose of the Kuzbass coal mines follows a strategic review of the assets. As our Ukraine steel operations now source coking coal from ArcelorMittal’s mines in Kazakhstan, Kuzbass is no longer a strategic asset for ArcelorMittal. We are pleased to have agreed the sale to NTK as Kuzbass is an important employer in the region and this offers a sustainable solution for employees and other stakeholders.”

A1 Consolidated Gold Limited has announced that mining consultants, Mining One, has completed an Updated Stage 1 Scoping Study of the company’s 100% owned A1 Gold Mine in north-eastern Victoria. The update has been prepared on the assumption that the acquisition of Octagonal Resources Limited Victorian gold assets is completed. The assets to be acquired include a fully permitted 150,000 t/y treatment facility at Maldon which complements A1 Consolidated Gold’s planned production profile.

Potash West has announced the results of a financial evaluation for the production of phosphate and potash fertilisers on its wholly-owned Dandaragan Trough Project, located 150 km north of Perth in Western Australia.

The study assumes the production of single superphosphate (SSP) in a standalone plant for the first 5 years of operation. Subsequently, the glauconite concentrate and phosphate rock will be processed in a joint facility (Integrated K-Max plant) to produce potash products, potassium sulfate, potassium magnesium sulfate and merchant grade phosphoric acid, as well as iron oxide and, aluminium sulfate for the remaining life of mine.

Midway Gold has announced an update for the Pan Mine, the company’s first open pit, heap leach operation in Nevada.  Following thorough review of Pan operations and construction progress in 2014, Midway expects a first gold pour in the first quarter of 2015.  Construction at Pan is approximately 85% complete.

Midway’s President & CEO, William Zisch stated, “Since coming on board December 10th, I have had the chance to review many aspects of the Pan Project and Pan Operations.  I have gotten to know our people and other assets of the company. I have come to understand some of our immediate challenges and our near term opportunities. This update reflects our recent reviews and the current status of the Pan Project and Operations.
