
Sandvik Mining Automation Days outline advanced solutions and productivity benefits

Posted on 12 Mar 2015

Sandvik Mining says it is setting the industry standard with advanced automation solutions that significantly increase productivity and safety, as well as lower the total cost of ownership. At the recent Sandvik Mining Automation Days in Tampere, Finland, customers experienced first-hand the wide automation offering of optimised products for their unique mining operations.

“The Sandvik information management solutions, including Equipment Monitoring and Production Management, offer a real-time view of the underground mining operation. These solutions are designed to provide real-time tracking and production control for mining equipment with operators. It provides information online about equipment locations, availability, utilisation, conditions and productivity, as well as possible delays or problems, getting back on track quickly with corrective actions.”

“The development of our automation offering is the result of years of continuous research, development and close collaboration with our customers,” says Riku Pulli, Vice President, Mine Automation. “Our offering in automation provides sophisticated fleet and information management and interpretation tools that help to reduce the potential for human error, improve operational efficiencies and ultimately help to optimise mining process decisions.”

Sandvik Equipment Monitoring provides easy access to data on production, equipment utilisation and condition. It also allows users to simply and easily check reports from web HMI. The solution is scalable from a single equipment solution to a mine-wide monitoring system using an open interface with other mining IT systems; offering:

• Tracking and analysis of production data provides a real-time status of the mining operation
• Equipment health monitoring offers reliable condition data for maintenance scheduling
• Predictive maintenance ensures optimised maintenance scheduling
• Open interfaces and integration with other mining IT systems

Sandvik Production Management offers real-time data on production delays and possible problems, as well as task management for shift supervisors. Immediate corrective action can be taken and resources best utilised to optimise results and productivity. A more advanced Mass Mining Operations version is specially designed for block or panel caving applications, and includes tailored interfaces for production planning and smart marker systems. Advantages include:

• Precise and real-time location tracking for any mobile unit offers visibility of the mining process
• Low underground infrastructure requirements simplify implementation
• Installation on any underground equipment or light vehicles is easy
• Production scheduling offers increased productivity
• Available for all equipment types including third party and light utility vehicles
• Simpler to install, more accurate and robust equipment tracking technology
• New 3D mine visualisation
• Improved reporting

On automation solutions specifically, the AutoMine Loading solution is a fully scalable fleet automation system that increases the safety and profitability of underground mining operations. This flexible modular system can be adapted from stoping to sub-level and massive block caving applications. It automatically manages and optimises loader traffic, as well as fully automates the production loading cycle. One operator can manage several loaders from the safety of a control room. Benefits include:

• Fully automated loading cycle increases safety and productivity
• Scalable small-to-large mass mining system offers flexibility
• Modularised access control system ensures smooth interaction between automated and manual equipment
• Full production management of automated and manual equipment.

AutoMine Loading Lite is a simple, single-LHD automation product that ensures safe operation and high productivity. It shares the same platform with AutoMine Loading, but is more mobile and easier to set up for single-loader applications. The multi-loader version allows for expansion to larger-scale operations. It enables efficient production in applications like open stoping and backfilling, narrow-vein mining and sub-level caving:

• Highly mobile and easy set up access control system ensures safety
• One operator for one or several loaders offers improved productivity
• Real-time process visualisation and reporting offers continuous view to the operation
• Open interfaces and integration.

The AutoMine development team was inducted into the International Mining Technology Hall of Fame in 2013 –

“Sandvik is now the single supplier capable of fully automating the whole loading cycle and this feature is available for both fleet and single loader applications,” says Riku Pulli, VP Automation, Sandvik Mining “The multi-loader option to AutoMine Loading Lite, enables multiple loader operations from one operator station. The loader and area are handled as one entity and this gives flexibility as one operator is now able to operate several production areas simultaneously. Automated Bucket Filling takes our AutoMine Loading products to new level as the whole loading cycle is now automated and operator’s role is supervising the operation.”