
Engaging with society – ICMM releases Annual Review 2014

Posted on 3 Apr 2015

The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) has released its Annual Review 2014 – Engaging with society. The theme of this year’s review picks up from the previous annual review’s focus on strengthening relationships with communities. It examines the progress the ICMM is making on building this strategic priority into our work programs and other activities.

“ICMM has been instrumental in supporting the way in which we engage with host communities and governments” said ICMM Chair Mark Cutifani (Chief Executive, Anglo American). “This past year we placed particular emphasis on strengthening the relationship between operations and host communities. This is the area we need to strengthen if we are to achieve across-the-board community acceptance.”

The review explores ICMM’s role in explaining the contribution that the mining and metals industry makes to society, as well as mapping out work on trends and emerging issues in order to anticipate and understand the external environment.

ICMM’s Annual Review highlights a number of achievements throughout 2014, including:

  • Publishing a second edition of The role of mining in national economies, a report that ranks countries according to their economic dependency on mining and demonstrates mining’s potential for reducing poverty and increasing prosperity in some of the poorest parts of the world
  • Publishing the report Enhancing mining’s contribution to the Zambian economy and society, identifying how collaboration could strengthen the contribution of mining to the economy and society of Zambia
  • Launching the ICMM Water stewardship framework, prioritising an approach to water management that considers the needs, concerns and priorities of water users across the entire river basin
  • Releasing the first ever health and safety performance benchmarking report, serving as a reminder that those committed to a ‘zero harm’ objective have no room for complacency
  • Developing guidance on the hazard assessment of ores and concentrates for marine transport, promoting a consistent, responsible approach to the assessment of cargoes from the mining and metals industry.

In his final report before stepping down as ICMM president, Anthony Hodge remarks, “I am proud of the evolution of ICMM since I arrived in 2008 and confident the organisation I step away from in 2015 has a strong foundation to carry it forward. At the same time, I am very cognisant of the change and improvement that lies ahead for ICMM.”

Cutifani: “This past year we placed particular emphasis on strengthening the relationship between operations and host communities. This is the area we need to strengthen if we are to achieve across-the-board community acceptance.”