
FLSmidth’s South African operation achieves ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001 accreditation

Posted on 21 Apr 2015

FLSmidth in South African has cemented its reputation among its customers in mining and minerals processing by successfully achieving ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001 accreditation. “A lot of our clients are looking for such accreditation and stipulating it when we go to site,” René Camfferman, Manager: Risk Department, says.

It has been a considerable achievement for the FLSmidth South African operation to have attained both accreditations simultaneously. “The team embarked on a significant process in preparation. It is to the credit of everyone involved, and a testament to the importance that FLSmidth attaches to such accreditation, that we achieved it the first time around,” Camfferman says.

Bertus van Vuuren, HSE coordinator, adds that the extensive local site experience and reference base also contributed to the successful accreditation. He explains that ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised standard that establishes the framework for an Environmental Management System. It allows companies such as FLSmidth to identify, understand and monitor the environmental impacts of its activities and the associated risks.

It also enables companies to manage their operational health, safety and environmental risks and to improve their overall performance. In addition to the direct environmental impact, it also makes companies aware of the indirect impact in terms of their suppliers.

Van Vuuren explains that OHSAS 18001 is an international standard for occupational health and safety management system that allows companies to put the policies, procedures and controls in place that are needed to achieve the best possible working practices, aligned against an international benchmark. Benefits include minimising the risk to employees and boosting productivity by reducing the number of workplace accidents and illness.

Camfferman comments that health, safety and environment does not exclusively reside within the company, but extends to the holistic approach it adopts in managing its business. “We have to look after the health and safety of our employees and suppliers and we have to ensure that our suppliers are being environmentally responsible themselves.

“It is also important to note that safety at FLSmidth is from the global chairman on down. It is our number one priority, with all of our meetings featuring a ‘Safety Share’. That is the first item on the agenda of all meetings, both internally and externally. It helps drive health and safety awareness throughout the company,” Camfferman says.

He adds that attaining the accreditation is only the first step. “It is all and well to get such accreditation, but maintaining it is equally as important as implementing it.” Van Vuuren says that the modern approach to health and safety has changed from the traditional reactive stance of prohibiting certain behaviours and actions, to a more consensual approach of providing explanation and motivation to obtain buy-in from all stakeholders.

Camfferman says the ISO 14001 accreditation will allow the company to stay abreast of the latest developments and requirements in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), which includes amendments to the Water Act and the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act, among others.