
MBE Coal and Mineral Technology (CMT) appoints new global CEO

Posted on 19 May 2015

MBE CMT has appointed Hans George Schnabel as Global CEO of the CMT Group. His appointment is expected to renew the focus on the growth and expansion of the CMT Group globally. A graduate engineer from the Technical University of Cologne, he has 40 years’ experience in the minerals and metals industries. Formerly head of Andritz Separation, he has been instrumental in growing the business threefold over the last six years, with a main focus on Africa as a key area of growth and expansion.

Schnabel was previously managing director of KHD Humboldt Wedag’s South African operation from 1988 to 1992. From 1992 onwards Schnabel worked for six years as a board member of KHD AG Germany. His extensive portfolio also includes stints as managing director of Eisenbau Ferrostaal AG, Essen from 1998 to 2000 and President of Outokumpu Technology GmbH from 2000 to 2003.

The South African subsidiary MBE Minerals SA is a leading supplier of iron ore and coal beneficiation technology offering basic and detailed engineering, components for complete plants and systems including modernisation and capacity increase measures as well as automation and process control equipment.

In addition, MBE Minerals SA offers a full scope of services including feasibility studies, raw material testing, financing concepts, erection and commissioning, personnel training and pre- and aftersales services. “We have an extensive reference base throughout Africa and in all the major commodity sectors. Our technology has set the benchmark in many instances,” Johannes Kottmann, Managing Director of MBE Minerals SA says. Kottmann will report to Schnabel.

MBE Minerals SA receives expertise and technical support from its worldwide network including the MBE Coal and Minerals Technology’s R&D centre in Cologne, Germany. The R&D centre consults with customers from all parts of the world with regard to optimum processing.

This service is backed up by an in-house laboratory facility and pilot test work capabilities. The centre is also used as a training facility for customers, either on general mineral processing or on the operation and maintenance of specific MBE equipment.