
Rohr-Idreco supplies electric dredge for NA frac sand mining

Posted on 19 Jun 2015

Rohr-Idreco has designed, built, and installed an RISD400-M (16″) electric dredge for application in the North American frac sand mining industry. “The customer was in the market for a new and efficient modern electric dredge. As Rohr-Idreco manufactures state-of-the-art dredges with the latest technology, the customer, after seeing the operation of an existing dredge, decided to move forward with the purchase. The new dredge has a digging depth of 82 ft (25 m) and production capacity in excess of 800 t/h.”

The dredge is equipped with a state-of-the-art GPS and sonar system that provides the operator virtually real time mapping, showing where material has been dredged and where virgin material still lies through an intricate software system developed by Rohr-Idreco. The dredge is equipped with an RIDP 400 Rohr-Idreco dredge pump, plus five on shore RIBS 400 Rohr-Idreco booster pump stations.

“These are some of the most efficient and modern pumps currently available in the market. They are designed for reduced wear and lower energy consumption. There were lengthy discussions with the customer to make sure that the dredge and booster pumps would meet the production as well as environmental requirements of the project. The customer has been very pleased with the performance of their new dredge. Total delivery time was 7 months from contract signing.”