
Let your hard hat do the talking

Posted on 13 Jul 2015

An Australian startup company is launching a hard hat that does much more than just protect heads— it literally can warn the wearer of an imminent danger and suggest solutions to problems. The eHat innovation is a great safety tool, that improves communications and improves efficiencies. At the same time it is a great way to transfer knowledge to anyone working in a remote location.

The eHat system is a brand new way of quickly and efficiently transferring knowledge to anyone working in an external industrial site. It can be used to improve productivity and lower training costs. The eHat system revolves around a video/audio streaming hardhat, which is connected via a smartphone back to a central location, either a site office or a head office in another state or country.

The user of the eHat can make conference calls to the company’s own experts or trainers or to the eHatsystems network team of experts and trainers.

The eHat System is a safety hat with a high definition video camera, microphone and headset and some smart software that allows it to communicate over WiFi to an approved Smartphone back to your subject matter specialist.

The company expects early adopters will be mining companies. Pit geologists, engineers, process staff, surveyors, etc. could wear the hats whilst they go about their daily activities and when they need to communicate or receive input from others whilst in the field they can easily turn the hat on to communicate.

Imagine wearing an eHat during a day in the field, senior management a continent away could watch the eHat transmissions to gauge progress live as it happens on site. Specialists such as engineers and metallurgists could watch on to see tasks are being completed properly and provide advice, live.

Field employees on mine projects or exploration prospects can get direct feedback to problems. eHat can also represent huge savings, meaning senior managers don’t need to visit remote sites as often as they are receiving live feeds of site activities