
Perth Mint joins push to promote “heart of gold”

Posted on 26 Oct 2015

Australia’s oldest gold refinery has united with the gold industry’s newest association to promote the critical role the precious metal sector plays in the Western Australian economy. Perth Mint Chief Operating Officer David Woodford said The Perth Mint is proud to partner with the Gold Industry Group representing the interests of gold producers, explorers, prospectors and suppliers to the trade. “We welcome this opportunity to partner with the Gold Industry Group to further the understanding of the broader gold industry, the drivers of demand for physical gold, and the forces shaping the current market.

“Refining gold since 1899, The Perth Mint is one of the world’s leading precious metals businesses and is a reminder of the State’s golden beginnings and the continuing importance of gold,” Woodford said.

Gold Industry Group Chairman Norman Moore said he was delighted to welcome The Perth Mint as a major partner. “We are looking forward to working with The Perth Mint to strengthen our efforts to build a united voice for the gold industry in Western Australia. Together, we can really make a difference to promote the significant social and economic contribution the sector makes and ensure the long term sustainability of the industry.”

The Perth Mint will be presenting on behalf of the Gold Industry Group at the 2015 Precious Metals Symposium in Sydney on Tuesday, October 27 at 12.15 pm (EST).

WA’s gold mines produce more than 70% of Australia’s gold, and the industry directly employs more than 20,000 Western Australians. In 2014 gold was the second most valuable mineral in Western Australia with production sales of A$8.7 billion accounting for 85% of all mineral sales. Gold is our third largest export industry, totalling A$13 billion in exports last year.

More than 70% of Australian gold royalties are paid to the Government of Western Australia and in 2014 more than A$300 million in state royalties and taxes were paid.

The Gold Industry Group is a single commodity, member-based, independent industry body governed by a Board of Directors. It represents the interests of gold producers, explorers, prospectors and suppliers in Australia to achieve a united voice for the gold industry.

The focus is on promoting gold’s importance and its significant contribution to the community and economy; championing gold-related educational and community initiatives; and promoting gold as an investment and asset class.

Members of the Gold Industry Group include Gold Fields, Doray Minerals, Norton Gold Fields, Ramelius Resources, Gold Road Resources, ABC Refinery and Kalgoorlie-Boulder Chamber of Commerce and Industry.