Immersive Technologies, the global supplier of high fidelity training simulators to the mining industry has announced quantifiable results achieved to date in partnership with the Anglo American Los Bronces copper operation in Chile. Immersive Technologies training specialists have carried out operator risk assessments, performance analysis and targeted simulator based training for 283 haul truck operators at the mine. Los Bronces chose Immersive Technologies to supply the PRO3-B Simulator and six modules, then separately contracted Immersive to administer the simulator training program including the provision of full time training personnel working on site.
This was part of an Anglo Management objective to reduce risk, reduce operating cost and increase productivity. Immersive Technologies have been providing analytics and reporting to identify operator training needs tied directly to Los Bronces site objectives. This in turn provided focus for simulator based training activities which precisely targeted and closed performance gaps. “This partnership is delivering the results we expected and we are pleased with the early reports of 25% reduction in body ups ground speeds, 60% reduction in overspeeds and 62% reduction in service brake abuse. Having the Immersive Technologies training personnel on site has significantly helped the uptake, acceptance and results of this initiative,” says Rodrigo Maldonado, Training Manager.
Immersive states: “Anglo Los Bronces Mine selected the PRO3-B Advanced Equipment Simulator because the PRO3-B has been credited with consistently delivering quantified operational improvements to mining operations around the globe. In 2001 the first Immersive Technologies training solutions were provided from the Immersive Latin America regional sales and support office and since then over 60 sites and training schools in the region have adopted Immersive as a partner in addressing the accumulating demand for highly skilled operators.”
Vice President Latin America Cesar Guerra stated “Immersive Technologies is the preferred simulation partner in Latin America because we can deliver these types of results. We know the best way to support partnerships like these is by delivering real results.” Immersive says it continues to expand its support of the mining industry in achieving quantifiable operational improvements with its range of services ranging from providing temporary expertise to providing fully managed outsourced solutions.
Immersive Technologies estimates that it has over 80% market share of the high fidelity training simulator in the mining industry with over 930 simulator modules deployed. Immersive has also grown to be a global leader in operator workforce development solutions for mining.