
Flowrox brings new connectivity to achieve full product potential

Posted on 16 Dec 2015

Flowrox, a global leader in heavy-duty industrial valve and pump manufacturing and services, says it is “bringing the new industrial revolution” to various industries the company currently serves. Flowrox Smart products and services will be dedicated to increasing productivity with Optimisation and Online Predictivity through automation and connectivity to help its clients to garner the full potential of Flowrox products as well as those from other manufacturers.

Flowrox Smart Series products will be equipped with intelligent solutions, a transformation currently underway that will ensure connectivity via the Internet, allowing the consistent monitoring of Flowrox products and systems to maximise its customer’s uptime, reduce unplanned downtime and help guarantee spare part availability exactly when the customer needs them.

Currently, the Flowrox scaling watch already incorporates connectivity to the Internet, including both intelligence and the ability to be connected to the Industrial Internet of Things – a term coined to communicate how the interconnectivity of devices to an Internet network can bring added versatility and performance. Flowrox Smart Series “builds on Flowrox’s ultimate total cost of ownership and reliability, which are trademarks of its leadership in industries such as oil and gas, metallurgy, mining and minerals, among others.”

The embedding of Flowrox products with electronics, software, sensors and network connectivity enables the customer to collect and exchange data with the users and in some cases directly with Flowrox. Initially, Flowrox will begin marketing its Smart Series of valves that incorporate a new series of smart sleeves and intelligent positioners with enhanced reporting and wear analysis, which will signal the customer that a valve may be heading toward failure – long before it actually fails.

Smart pumps will be available later on 2016 with similar features and innovative add-ons. The Smart Series will also feature the Flowrox Malibu Platform, which will provide its customers with a visual user interface so they can track valve, pump or instrument operational parameters—including the early warning of upset conditions and product failures or reports on a product experiencing deterioration from normal wear and tear.

Through a unique Internet-based interface that allows users to view process performance, flow rates, pressures and a variety of variables through an Internet connection, Flowrox says it will meet the demand for better data for decision-making, as well as giving customers more control over its products.

“The future and capabilities to equip industrial products with smart technology and connectivity is here and available—and Flowrox plans to be at the forefront industrial Internet automation, leading the way,” said Todd Loudin President of Flowrox Inc USA. Flowrox says it is committed to continuous improvement and infusing the industries it serves with innovation that can help its customers become leaders in their respective industries. “Not all of our customers are going to be ready for our advancements, but we will be ready when they are,” added Loudin. “The rate of automation is going to explode with all types of products over the coming decade.”

The entire organisation “will be working to ensure they meet growth and profitability targets and Flowrox believes in the implementation of technology to enhance the way Flowrox employees deliver value to customers around the globe. Flowrox’s influence will grow using new communication channels, since connecting in the digital environment has become paramount in industrial marketing and business development efforts.”