
Mine welding services provider ME Elecmetal joins American Welding Society

Posted on 8 Jul 2016

ME Elecmetal has announced that it has joined the American Welding Society (AWS), the US-based non-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of science, technology and application of welding in all industries.

Founded in 1919, the AWS brings together more than 70,000 members worldwide. Among its many contributions is the creation of the recognised ‘AWS Codes and Specifications’ which has become the standard for specifying the correct use of different types of welding. The AWS also develops standards for welding application in different industries, such as mining.

Alvaro Palazuelos, Manager of the Machine Shop Business Unit with ME Elecmetal Chile, declared that the company “has been accepted as a member of the AWS is a recognition to the nearly 100 years of history in the development of the metallurgical industry in Chile and the world “.

For his part, Juan Agustin Collado, Deputy Commercial Manager of the Machine Shop Business Unit, said that “our Service Centres for mining of Rancagua, Antofagasta and Calama are the units responsible for developing the repairing of mining equipment, applying various welding techniques, making us the leading applicator of welding in Chile.”