GAF has successfully implemented the Geo-Data Information Management System (GIMS) for Sierra Leone. GIMS has now been officially launched by the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources and the National Minerals Agency (NMA). With this new information system, Sierra Leone is taking an important step towards further developing its mining sector.
Geological information is one of the cornerstones for attracting new investors to a country’s mining sector. Straightforward and easy access to geological and mineral information is a key element in promoting and developing the sector. GIMS facilitates the management, valorisation, safe storage and dissemination of geological and mineral information for the whole country.
GIMS also includes a website, which provides a central point of access for allowing investors, mining companies and the general public to acquire comprehensive and up-to-date information and data about mineral resources and licences in Sierra Leone. It features, among other things, free access to public data, provides interactive online maps, and allows online ordering of the maps and publications available from the National Minerals Agency. The GIMS website is accessible at
On launching GIMS Director General NMA, Sahr Wonday stated: “We are particularly excited about the GIMS because it will directly and indirectly help us to achieve our strategic objectives. To start with, it will serve as an effective investment promotion tool, as it will enable us to readily present geological information to potential investors; and such investment will accelerate the economic development of the sector…. For that I like to recognize the commitment and hard work of our staff and our German consultants (GAF), and the support of the Minister of Mines and his staff at the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources.”
GAF has designed and implemented GIMS and provided training in its use and maintenance, as well as in populating the associated databases. GIMS is a customised version of GAF’s GeMinIS (Geological and Mineral Information System) software. GIMS has been established as part of the Extractive Industries Technical Assistance Project (EITAP), which is funded by the World Bank and DFID. GAF started its project activities in Sierra Leone in 2014, and these have now been successfully completed.
The picture shows the GIMS launch workshop in Freetown with presence of the Deputy Minister of Mineral Resources, Abdul Ignosi Koroma and the Permanent Secretary Fatmata S. Mustapha