
Airlift yields support Goldphyre’s strategy to be a substantial Australian potash supplier

Posted on 1 Nov 2016

Goldphyre Resources has announced outstanding airlift development yields from the first test-production bores completed at its Lake Wells potash project. Goldphyre has expedited the test-pumping program, mobilising the test-pumping contractor to site immediately.

Goldphyre’s Executive Chairman Matt Shackleton: “We’ve been able to demonstrate exceptional airlift development yields beyond our expectations, which are at the upper range for palaeochannel bores in the Eastern Goldfields. These bores are installed in the core, high-grade zone of the brine sulphate of potash resource, nearby the proposed evaporation pond site.

“It is important to note that airlift yields are strongly indicative but also typically lower than production yields. Production yields will be measured as part of the pending test-pumping program, and in light of these outstanding results, we have made the decision to expedite that program. The test-pumping contractor crew will mobilise to Lake Wells immediately.

“These airlift development yields again reinforce the quality of the Lake Wells Resource and its potential to support an SOP operation. Goldphyre has previously identified the size and grade of the brine aquifers, the project location puts it in a very advantageous logistical position and now with these airlift development yields, we have further confidence in the exceptional production flows that can be achieved.“

The basal or lower aquifer is the primary target for development studies on the Lake Wells project. Pumping from this aquifer will be the main focus for potential production and facilitate the drainage, or downward leakage, of brines contained in the upper strata. Developing a bore field brine abstraction operation allows Goldphyre to avoid the more costly trenching method for brine recovery. Establishing a network of bores is significantly cheaper than developing trenches to produce the equivalent volume of brine. Production trenches being modelled by peer companies in Australia extend for between 100 and 250 km.

To test for additional production potential, Goldphyre constructed a test production bore into the secondary target, the upper aquifer. The upper aquifer at site A yielded airlift development rates of 8 litre/s, and test pumping will identify the additional production potential of this secondary target.

Airlift development is the process where, upon completion of the bore’s construction, air is injected down the bore to clear detritus, sediments and other material from the bore, until a clean brine flow is recorded. The rate at which water is lifted out of the bore during this process is an airlift yield, and is indicative, although usually lower, than the ensuing production yield measured during test-pumping.

Test-pumping involves running the bores under an operational scenario, with production pumps installed in the bore to replicate operating production wells. Over the ensuing seven to 10 days, the bore is ‘stressed’ to understand how it performs at different flow rates.

At the same time, the other production bores, and bores installed specifically for monitoring purposes, will be monitored for changes in water levels. In this way, Goldphyre’s hydrogeological team will be able to assess the impact of operating bores across the entire high-grade brine aquifer.

In line with all of its previous exploration and development work on the Lake Wells project, management is firmly committed to ensuring that the most rigorous techniques and practices are applied to all test work. Adhering to a comprehensive test-pumping regime will allow the company to confidently release actual results of the test-pumping program without extrapolation or modelling of ‘potential’ yields.

Located approximately 500 km northeast of Kalgoorlie, in Western Australia’s Eastern Goldfields, the Lake Wells potash project is a palaeochannel brine hosted sulphate of potash project. The company has recently completed the construction of test production bores at two sites in the core high-grade zone of the Resource. Test pumping of these wells is due to commence in early November, and is scheduled to complete in 30 – 40 days.