
The Economic Definition of Ore for your new subscription to International Mining Project News

Posted on 6 Mar 2017

We have three copies of Ken Lane’s book The Economic Definition of Ore: Cutoff grades in theory and practice, one of which is in Spanish to be given to the first three new subscribers to International Mining Project News.

With the industry clearly now rising out of its recent prolonged malaise, projects are moving ahead and this is the time to get to know them and for your company y to become known to them in order that you might win orders for equipment and/or services. Or, if that is your aim, IMPN is a great source of project information on peers, or for M&A or royalty ideas.

Single 1 year subscription costs: £350, US$560 or €420

Single 3 year subscription costs: £880, US$1,440 or €1,090

Kenneth F. Lane led the way for value based optimisation of the full scope of mining activities. In particular, showing how cutoff grade policies bridge the disciplines and developed the framework for maximising the whole project value by optimising this policy every year as the resource was depleted. This work led to more valuable mining in many of the largest surface mines in the world and for the underground projects that have used these principles.

He was inducted into the International Mining Technology Hall of Fame in Denver on February 20 at the gala dinner event at the Brown Palace Hotel during the SME annual conference.

Lane’s book on cutoff grade optimisation is dedicated to optimisation of the entire mining business, first published in 1988. Filled with practical guidance and the theoretical algorithm derivations, Lane held nothing back, it was designed to genuinely help the industry make more from the precious resources that we normally only have one opportunity to process. The book is still in print, and widely referenced ( These copies were kindly donated by COMET Strategy.

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