
LKAB is moving Kiruna city

Posted on 23 May 2017

On Wednesday May 24 the first of a total of eight heritage buildings from the city of Kiruna, Sweden, will be moved to its new location – the foot of Luossavaara Mountain. The first building to be moved is known as Arbetarbostaden B5.

LKAB is now beginning the relocation of eight heritage buildings from the area impacted by mining to the new development site. During 2017 seven buildings will be moved to the foot of Luossavaara Mountain, overlooking the mountain massif and the mine site. In addition, the so-called Länsmansbostaden will be moved to the new urban core, east of the present urban centre.

“Relocation of the heritage buildings and decommissioning of the present urban centre are a fundamental part of the long-term urban transformation process which is now under way in Kiruna. This is a prerequisite for continued mining,” says Victoria Aidanpää, Project Manager at LKAB’s urban transformation department.

LKAB’s continued mining operation and growth are dependent on successive relocation, decommissioning and reconstruction of parts of central Kiruna. In consultation with municipal authorities and a large number of stakeholders, we are working to ensure that this is accomplished safely, securely and with optimism for the future. Our ambition is that development should take precedence over decommissioning.

“Transforming a town is a challenge for everyone involved, not least because of the culture, memories and emotions associated with an old place. All values cannot be measured in monetary terms, and we are therefore pleased to be able to combine the old and the new by moving several of the town’s most unique and much-loved buildings,” says Tjabba Nordanfjäll, Project Manager at LKAB and responsible for relocation of heritage buildings.

At the new site about 20,000 m2 is being prepared for the arrival of new tenants. The buildings to be moved include Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården, Bolagshotellet, bläckhornshusen B51, B52 and B53, as well as Arbetarbostaden B5 and Ingenjörsvillan.

“We have an exciting and eventful year ahead of us. The relocation of heritage buildings marks the start of a new chapter in Kiruna’s history, something with which many local residents have strong ties. The heritage buildings are part of Kiruna’s soul and, for many, a symbol of our town,” says Nordanfjäll.