
Launch of HAULSIM 2.5 next level haul cycle software

Posted on 27 Jun 2017

RPMGlobal (RPM) has announced the release HAULSIM 2.5 – “mining’s digital twin for mine haulage network optimisation, truly revolutionising haulage outcomes.” The new release of HAULSIM brings functionality that is not available in any other mine haulage software for mining – Fleet Planner and Cornering Speed optimisation. Fleet planner allows users to configure their fleet and productivity levels for the next shift. It does this through the analysis of the haul cycle which balancing productivity requirements. The number of haulers for each configuration can be automatically calculated. For each configuration there are over 300 results available for analysis, including detailed analysis of the haul cycle, cost and productivity information. The number of haulers in the fleet planner can be changed on the fly, allowing the users to immediately see the impact on any of the results.

Michael Baldwin, EGM Product Strategy, said “Fleet Planner provides our customers with the level of certainty and agility needed to effectively operate within changing conditions to ensure production targets are met.” Along with Fleet Planner, another major component of this release is Cornering Speed which makes model calibration quicker and easier. Cornering Speed analyses every path through the 3D network to estimate the radius of the corners in the network. Users can then apply speed limits to the speeds of the trucks around any tight bends. Safety is a huge imperative on any mine site so being able to recognise challenges on a haul route provides an additional level of safety.

In addition to Fleet Planner and Cornering Speed optimisation, HAULSIM 2.5 brings additional enhancements to user experience. Users can now add conveyors to the 3D scene and garner greater insights with improved reporting functionality. Model validation has also been enhanced with the addition of three new ‘first person’ views. Users can now view the model from a truck as it travels around the road network increasing productivity of mine haulage simulation activities. Building networks with one-lane sections (or tunnels) has never been easier, with additional validation available in the 3D scene.

Baldwin continued, “HAULSIM gives mining companies a dynamic and accurate representation of their entire haulage network, in a digital format. What HAULSIM 2.5 offers is greater analytical capabilities to better predict performance, and adjust accordingly, in real time. There is no other mine haulage software solution like HAULSIM. Ordinary mine haulage software does a calculation where as HAULSIM does a full discrete event simulation. This is why HAULSIM remains mining’s preferred mine haulage simulation solution. Discrete event simulation allows you to quickly analyse a process or system’s behaviour over time, ask yourself “why” or “what if” questions, and design or change processes or systems without any financial implications.”

Baldwin concluded, “Having a discrete event simulation engine at its core means that HAULSIM works differently from other ‘deterministic’ mine haulage modelling tools. With this latest release, HAULSIM remains a true digital twin of your haulage network.”