
Moss mine gold/silver project scheduled for production in Q4, 2017

Posted on 19 Jul 2017

Northern Vertex Mining Corp reports good progress on construction activities at its 100% owned Moss mine project located near Bullhead City, Arizona, USA . Kenneth Berry, President and CEO, explained: “The delivery of the crushing plant ahead of schedule furthers our goal of pouring gold in Q4, 2017. Under the guidance of Dr David Stone (Project Manager), Joseph Bardswich (President, Golden Vertex), M3 Engineering, Golder and Associates and N.A. Degerstrom, we continue to achieve considerable progress at the Moss gold/silver mine and significantly de-risk the project both technically and financially.”

The concrete contractor mobilized to site on June 26. The work completed to date includes foundation preparation for the Merrill Crowe and Refinery buildings, pouring of concrete footings, and formwork/rebar for the columns.  Great Basin Industrial (GBI) is also preparing the foundation ring for the firewater tank.

N.A. Degerstrom has made significant progress in the decommissioning of the Phase I heap and ponds. The spent ore removal from the pilot heap measuring 122,000 t is 75% complete and this treated, inert material is being stockpiled for use as liner bedding in the newly constructed leach pad and ponds.  The two Phase I ponds are being dismantled in advance of re-grading for the Phase II replacement ponds.

The heap leach earthworks are advancing in two areas: the west pad and the east pad. The west pad is essentially complete with final grading, and liner bedding placement is underway.  The west pad area will be ready for lining next week.  The east pad work consists of rough grading.  The leach pad grading is expected to be complete in mid-September.

American Environmental Group is scheduled to mobilize to the Moss project site on July 17 to commence liner installations. The first priority will be liner installation in the west event pond, followed by the leach pad liner in the west pad area.  AEG is expected to be onsite until the end of September.

The company has been advised that the primary jaw crusher skid package, the tertiary K500 cone crusher and screens, and the K400 cone crusher frame have been completed and are ready for delivery to the project site. Fabrication of several other components of the crushing plant are ahead of schedule.  The last delivery of crushing plant components is due at the end of August.

Moss mine is fully permitted for commercial production utilizing on-site Tier IV CAT diesel generators. In the continuing   efforts to optimize savings and minimize the environmental impacts the company and stakeholders are working together to supply clean utility power to the site.  Mohave Electric Co-operative, Bullhead City’s hometown utility, has been particularly helpful. Engineering Consultant Amec Foster Wheeler has been commissioned to design a 24.9 KV powerline connecting from the MEC infrastructure on the Bullhead Parkway to the mine.

Subsequent to a public meeting held on July 3, 2017, the Mohave County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the granting of a license to the company authorizing the construction and operation of a power supply line across County Rights of Way (ROW) to the Moss mine. The City of Bullhead City has granted a ROW on Silver Creek Road within the City Limits in co-operation with adjacent property owners.

Bureau of Land Management ROW permit approval is also required before construction of certain portions of the powerline can begin. The company has applied for a ROW permit based on the Amec Foster Wheeler design.   The company has also applied to the BLM for a ROW permit to re-construct and widen the Moss mine access road.  On July 11, 2017 company personnel and consultants attended a National Environmental Policy Act meeting at the Kingman Field Office with BLM Management and Resource Personnel to discuss the applications.  The BLM will assess both projects simultaneously with one EA in order to maximize efficiencies.

Construction of the powerline will enable utility power to replace the diesel generators and eliminate the emissions from burning an estimated 200,000 gallons/month of diesel fuel. The road re-construction project will enhance safety factors for all users of the road including company personnel and the public.