
Dando Drilling unveils Multitec 4000 Mk3

Posted on 28 Jul 2017

Dando Drilling is pleased to announce the latest version of its Multitec 4000 is now available. The Mk3 has more power, a highly efficient Bosch-Rexroth hydraulic system, revised layout of deck components and an improved, lower and more central centre of mass for the ultimate stability in uneven and sloping terrain.

After its launch in 2015, interest and sales for the Multitec 4000 immediately took off in the mineral exploration sector with International sales across Africa and South America for a range of mineral targets. “The response from customers was positive with several key benefits quickly emerging. Among these, the small footprint of the rig, at only 1.4 m when tracking, allowed access to forested or jungle environments with minimum
disruption to flora.”
The company adds: “While able to load 3 m rods, the mast extension allowed tripping of 6 m lengths expediting a change of tooling or redeployment to a new drill pad. Efficient engine sizes coupled with small but powerful rotary heads meant that customers were experiencing large reductions in fuel usage with some reporting consumption as
low as 5 litres per hour while meeting or exceeding target penetration rates.”
In standard form, the rig is supplied with a 75 hp Tier 4 Final engine to meet regulations in European and North American markets, and a 111 hp Tier 3 has been chosen for the rest of the world, although other options are available.
With the majority of customers exploring to depths in the 50-250 m range and in core sizes between N and P, the compact but powerful RH6 rotary head usually used on the larger Multitec 9000 rig was selected as a high-performance option. To ensure sufficient oil was supplied to the 6,000 Nm/750 rpm head and uprated-crawler
motors, a high efficiency hydraulics system was designed by UK based Hydraulic Alliance around Bosch-Rexroth pumps and motors.