
FLSmidth launches modular Reflux™ Classifier plant

Posted on 1 Dec 2017

FLSmidth has officially launched its modular Reflux™ Classifier plant for fines gravity separation applications. The integrated engineered modular solution is based on its well-proven RC™ technology, which improves the performance of gravity separation circuits, when compared to spirals and hydrosizers.

The RC™ comprises the lamella settler, autogenous dense-medium separation, and fluidised bed separator. “The RC™ technology is based on dense-media separation and is combined with a lamella plate design, which is unique to the RC™ and, therefore, allows for the recovery of the valuable material in the processing plant,” FLSmidth country head and Minerals sub-Saharan Africa VP Deon de Kock stated to Mining Weekly at the launch of the 100 t/h modular plant at the FLSmidth Supercenter in Delmas, Gauteng, recently.

The key plant component are tanks, FLSmidth Krebs pumps, cyclones, Krebs Tech-Taylor valves, Technegate valves, the FLSmidth Ludowici vibrating screen, the Reflux™ Classifier, and dewatering equipment, as well as the Meshcape® Screen Media that comprises the polyurethane screen panels. The plant is also fitted with a lightning protection system for optimum safety.

The RC™ plant is also automated, using advanced instrumentation and control, and includes the FLSmidth automation control system control centre. The FLSmidth equipment technologies also interface optimally with the RC™, which ensures that the feed material is correctly prepared prior to its reporting to the RC™ so that it operates to specification.

The modular solution is targeted at various applications, including chromite, chromite from UG2 platinum-group metal circuit applications, iron-ore, metallurgical and thermal coal, mineral sands, spodumene, cassiterite and other heavy mineral applications.

The company told Mining Weekly that in terms of recovery efficiency, this plant will allow for some UG2 chrome recovery operations to more than double their current output, as it can, for example, produce between 10,000 t and 13,000 t of chrome concentrate. It can achieve anything from 15% to 22% of additional yield on this spiral tail that currently goes to waste.

Additionally, the modular RC™ plant can be integrated into a brownfields plant and retrofitted to replace less efficient technology. Users can leverage the flexibility of the plant’s modularity, as each section is contained within the dimensions of a 20 ft shipping container. The combination of these sections or containers allows for the plant to be configured according to various and specific process requirements.

The configuration is easily adjustable to accommodate the changing process or ore conditions within given parameters, and this offers enhanced flexibility. The dimensions of the unit and modularity of the plant allow for easy relocations where needed, while rapid on-site installation is possible, as the frames of each modular section are easily assembled and locked together.

To provide customers easy access to the solution and enhance productivity partnerships with the mining industry, FLSmidth will offer the plant on a build, own, operate and maintain model or a build, own, operate and transfer model.