
Wirraminna gold resource more than doubles following infill drilling at Sandstone project

Posted on 8 Dec 2017

The Mineral Resource (JORC 2012) at Middle Island’s Sandstone gold project’s Wirraminna deposit in Western Australia more than doubles to 550,000 t at 1.3g/t Au for 23,000oz gold (at a 0.5g/t lower cutoff grade) following verification, infill and extension drilling. Now, 55% of the new Wirraminna Mineral Resource is classified as Indicated, with the balance in the Inferred category.

The updated estimate compares with a previous Inferred Mineral Resource estimate (JORC 2004) of 106,300t at 2.07g/t Au (10,674oz). The increase in tonnage reflects a higher degree of mineralised zone continuity demonstrated by infill and extension drilling, and the application of a lower cutoff grade.

Pit optimisation of the Wirraminna deposit will now be completed to determine the deposit’s potential contribution to the planned Sandstone gold project production schedule.

Considerable opportunity remains to further extend and enhance the Wirraminna deposit via follow-up RC drilling, including confirming the location of historic higher grade holes and infill drilling of Inferred Mineral Resources.