
MCA welcomes findings on benefits to Australia’s regional communities from mining

Posted on 15 Dec 2017

Statement from David Byers, Interim CEO of the Minerals Council of Australia, says “today’s Productivity Commission report on transitioning regional economies confirms that Australians are better off because of the mining industry thanks to higher average incomes, larger profits and increased tax revenues. The Commission also finds that mining regions continue to have higher incomes and much greater employment than prior to the boom – and that the benefits created by mining will continue into the future.

“Its report notes that a mobile workforce including fly-in, fly-out and drive-in, drive-out spreads the benefits of mining to non-mining regions.

“The Minerals Council agrees with the Commission that removing barriers to doing business, including streamlining environmental regulations, is the best way to encourage regional development.”

The picture shows Ramelius Resources’ Mt Magnet gold mill. The Mt Magnet gold project is located immediately adjacent to the town of Mt Magnet, 500 km northeast of Perth in the Murchison Goldfield of the Western Australian Yilgarn Craton.

Ramelius acquired Mt Magnet Gold Pty Ltd in 2010 from Harmony Gold and restarted operations in late 2011. The project consists of numerous open pit and underground mines plus exploration targets situated on established mining and prospecting leases. The total project area covers 225 km².