
Polymetal recognised as a leader in environmental responsibility by the WWF

Posted on 19 Dec 2017

Polymetal International was awarded the top rating in environmental responsibility among Russian metals and mining companies. The company states: “We regard sustainability as an essential element of our activities. It is an investment in society as well as in our own future. That’s why we firmly believe that anchoring sustainability as part of our business strategy will lead to economic, environmental and social progress.

“Polymetal’s overall approach to sustainability is guided by the UN Global Compact, to which the company has been a signatory since 2009. In addition, our Code of Conduct guides the behaviour of all employees in relation to their colleagues, local communities and the environment. At an operational level, we have a suite of procedures and policies that are published in line with national regulatory and international standards.

“All of these taken together influence our approach to the provision of high quality jobs, secure and safe employment, employee wellbeing and access to professional development. They also influence the way that we communicate and consult with our investors, communities, government bodies and NGOs and suppliers in our areas of operation and the systems we have in place to monitor and improve environmental performance.”

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Global Environmental Facility, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation published the results of their environmental responsibility assessment for Russian metals and mining companies.

Among the 33 companies included in the rating, Polymetal is tied for the 1st place with Kinross Gold, based on three categories: Environmental Management, Environmental Impact and Disclosure/Transparency. This is a major improvement from the previous rating where Polymetal was ranked 7th.

“First place in this rating is the result of our multi-year effort to improve sustainability at Polymetal,” said Chief Sustainability Officer, Daria Goncharova. “The result reaffirms our approach in favour of complex and best-practice measures that form a crucial part of our strategy.”