
First battery LHD in Timmins delivered by Artisan

Posted on 21 Dec 2017

Artisan Vehicles has delivered the first battery powered underground loader to the Kirkland Lake Gold Taylor Mine. The A4 (4 t) LHD is the first underground battery loader in the Timmins underground mining camp. “We are extremely proud to be a part of Kirkland Lake Gold’s future,” said the statement.

The Taylor Mine was commissioned in Q4 of 2015 and was originally developed by St Andrew Goldfields Ltd. Prior to the St Andrew Goldfields Ltd. acquisition, the Taylor property area had been explored by Hollinger and by a joint venture between Labrador Mining and Exploration Company Ltd. (successor to Hollinger) and later by Esso Minerals Canada (Esso Minerals).

The property included two near surface gold deposits, the Shoot Deposit and the Shaft Deposit and the deeper West and East Porphyry deposits. A 6,000-tonne bulk sample from development in the Shaft Deposit at the Taylor Project was processed at the Stock mill in September 1991. Gold recovery ranged from 89% to 96% for material grading on average 2.2 g/t Au. Development activities re-commenced in 2010 and included two bulk samples. Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. completed the acquisition of St Andrew Goldfields Ltd. in January of 2016, which included the Holt Mine Complex, comprising of the Taylor, Holt and Holloway mines and in a milling facility.

The Taylor Mine is the Company’s newest gold mine with significant exploration potential. It is a high-grade cornerstone asset for the Company. The mine is located approximately 70 km west of the Holt Mill and ore is trucked daily for processing and refining.