
Two hydropower plant locations under study by North American Nickel in Greenland

Posted on 9 Mar 2018

North American Nickel Inc recently announced that it has received the Hydropower Feasibility Assessment Study within watershed 06.H located on the eastern flank of the company’s 100% owned Maniitsoq nickel sulphide project in southwest Greenland. Hydropower is the preferred method for the environmentally-sensitive generation of electricity for the operation of any new mining venture including mine, mill, camp site and harbour facility in Greenland.

The feasibility report was prepared by EFLA Consulting Engineers and includes technical, environmental and socio-economic studies and the documentation of physical and economical aspects of hydropower development. The report examined local topography and provides an assessment of the development’s viability, identified key areas of risk and suggests mitigation actions, to determine the economic viability of hydropower development at watershed 0.6H. EFLA was retained based on its extensive knowledge of hydropower feasibility assessments, hydropower development work and applied knowledge in the field. EFLA has extensive skill sets in design and consultancy of transmission lines, roads and bridges, as well as of other infrastructural disciplines in Arctic conditions that are or may be relevant.

A watershed prospecting licence was awarded by the Ministry of Industry, Labour, Trade and Energy of the Greenland Government subsequent to a review of the companies prospecting plan. It provides the exclusive right to assess and develop potential hydropower resources for the production of electricity. The licence is in force for two years with the option to extend it for an additional three years. An exploitation licence can be awarded following a successful assessment of the watershed.

The feasibility analysis of hydropower within watershed 06.H identifies two subordinate watersheds 7038-001 F03 and 7038-001 F04 with the capacity to supply a 12 MW base load and an 18 MW maximum load and generate 96 GWh per annum for the Maniitsoq Project. The two watersheds included in this assessment have the capacity to supply the required hydroelectricity at an installed cost of $5.621 USD/kW and $5.049 USD/kW respectively at a CAPEX of between $101.2 and $90.9 million respectively. Operating expenses are 1-2% of CAPEX. Both watersheds encapsulate or are close to priority nickel sulphide mineralised zones and the Seqi Port.

NAN CEO, Keith Morrison, commented: “Providing a long term, low cost, environmentally sensitive power solution is a critical step in demonstrating the NiS camp potential of the Maniitsoq project. The EFLA report will form the basis of NAN’s discussions with the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Labour, and Energy and Nukissiorfilt (the Greenland National Energy Company)”.

North American Nickel is a mineral exploration company with 100% owned properties in Maniitsoq, Greenland and Sudbury, Ontario. The Maniitsoq property in Greenland is a camp scale project comprising 2,985 square km covering numerous high-grade nickel-copper sulphide occurrences associated with norite and other mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the Greenland Norite Belt (GNB). The >75 km-long belt is situated along, and near, the southwest coast of Greenland accessible from the existing Seqi deep water port with an all year round shipping season and abundant hydro-electric potential.

The Post Creek/Halcyon property in Sudbury is strategically located adjacent to the past producing Podolsky copper-nickel-platinum group metal deposit of KGHM International Ltd. The property lies along the extension of the Whistle Offset dyke structure. Such geological structures host major Ni-Cu-PGM deposits and producing mines within the Sudbury Camp.