
Indian iron ore pelletising and filter order for Outotec

Posted on 14 Mar 2018

Outotec has signed a contract with an Indian customer for the delivery of an iron ore pelletising plant and filters for the expansion of their existing operations. The order value exceeds EUR50 million and is booked in Outotec’s 2018 first quarter order intake.

Outotec’s scope of delivery includes basic engineering and process technology for a travelling grate pelletising plant, key process equipment and eleven filter presses for dewatering of concentrate as well as advisory services for erection and commissioning. The new pellet plant will have efficient heat recovery, which enables energy efficient and environmentally sound operation. The plant is expected to be commissioned at the end of 2019.

“We are pleased to provide our customer with the latest pelletising technology, which is energy-efficient and produces pellets of uniform quality at low investment and operating costs. Our technology also enables them to produce iron pellets with low emissions. Also, our filters have proven record of efficiency and reliability with more than 40 installations in India”, says Kalle Härkki, head of Outotec’s Metals, Energy & Water business.