Liebherr achieves the highest turnover in the Group’s history

In 2017, the Liebherr Group achieved the highest turnover in its history, with total sales of €9,845 million. Compared to the previous year, the family-run company increased its revenue by 9.3%. The Group is expecting further sales growth for 2018.
Numerous new products unveiled: The earthmoving division presented a new telescopic handler series, the L 514 and L 518 stereoloaders, as well as the R 936 Compact hydraulic excavator, among others.

In the construction machinery and mining segments, as well as in other product areas, Liebherr recorded an increase in turnover. Sales of construction machinery and mining equipment rose by 14.5% to €6,182 million.

In Western Europe, Liebherr’s most important sales region, turnover increased significantly. The key markets Germany and France showed particularly strong growth. Sales performance in Eastern Europe, particularly in Russia, was encouraging. In the Far East / Australia and America, revenues were also above the previous year’s level. The Near and Middle East and Africa, however, recorded a fall.

The Liebherr Group posted a net result of € 331 million for the year. Compared to the previous year, this represents an increase of €33 million or 11.1%. In the reporting year, there was a significant improvement in the operating result. Following the positive effects of currency movements in the previous year, the financial result, on the other hand, fell sharply.

2017 saw a further increase in the workforce of the Liebherr Group. A total of 1,561 new jobs were created. The Liebherr Group had 43,869 employees worldwide at the end of the year. The company maintained its investment rate at a constantly high level. Overall the Group invested €749 million, a slight decrease of 0.3%. Offset against this was depreciation of €485 million. Liebherr set up new facilities in Aurangabad (India), in Rognac in the south of France and in the Kuzbass region in Russia.

The Liebherr Group expects a further increase in turnover for 2018. Liebherr anticipates growth in the construction machinery and mining segments, as well as in the other product areas. Appreciable gains are forecast in the Mining Division.