
High-grade of Cadoux kaolin resource confirmed – exemplary feedstock for HPA refining

Posted on 21 Jun 2018

FYI Resources Ltd has received the results from the reverse circulation (RC) drilling program at it’s 100% owned Cadoux kaolin project (EL/4673) in Western Australia. Analysis of the results have successfully confirmed the high-grade nature of the resource and demonstrates the ideal element suite (low in deleterious minerals) of the Cadoux kaolin as exemplary feedstock for HPA (High Purity Alumina) refining.

The RC program was designed to fulfil several key technical objectives and contribute in delivering a robust project study for FYI’s kaolin to HPA development strategy. The program consisted of an in-fill drilling component to the previous drilling campaign and a step-out component of drilling. The intended outcomes of the drilling included:
• Augment the results data to incorporate into the current metallurgical studies;
• Support the current geological model in terms of grade and variation of the deposit as a feedstock;
• Provide further raw kaolin for continued metallurgical test work and process studies;
• Increased technical understanding and confidence in the deposit;
• To define the limit of kaolin mineralisation in various open resource directions;
• Provide additional data for a revised resource statement; and
• Increase the predictability of the future mining schedule.

The RC program consisted of 75 drill holes totalling 1,613 m. This generated 640 2-m composite samples. The samples were especially prepared at site and subsequently submitted to Intertek laboratories in Perth for a series of tests including standard kaolin suite analysis to determine the element grades and quality as well as testing the in situ moisture of the kaolin to determine specific gravity (mass) of the deposit.

FYI will continue high level variability test work and trade-off studies to develop and deliver a robust HPA study commensurate to the high quality of the Cadoux deposit. Furthermore, the broader series of test work will be incorporated into a revised resource model that FYI’s independent geological consultant, CSA Global, is now engaged on the updating. This revised statement will be released to the market once it is completed.

Commenting on the drilling results, FYI Managing Director, Roland Hill said “Having attended the drilling program at site and seeing first hand the visual indications, the results of the second phase RC drilling are very pleasing. The drilling program demonstrates FYI is progressing with a very robust development strategy and we will continue to deliver the best possible project outcome.”

FYI is positioning itself to be a significant producer of high purity alumina (4N or HPA) in a rapidly developing LED, electric vehicle (EV), smartphone and television screen as well as other associated high-tech product markets.

The foundation of the HPA strategy is the superior quality aluminous clay (kaolin) deposit at Cadoux and exceptional positive response that the feedstock has to the Company’s moderate temperature, atmospheric pressure HCl flowsheet. The strategy’s superior quality attributes combine resulting in worldclass HPA project potential.