
High grade gold at Two Mile Hill deposit, WA

Posted on 6 Aug 2018

Aspiring gold developer, Middle Island Resources Ltd has received complete assay results for the first diamond hole of the recently completed, Stage 1, resource definition drilling program at the Two Mile Hill deposit within the company’s wholly-owned Sandstone gold project in Western Australia.

  • 8m at 14.5 g/t Au, including 2 m at 54.0 g/t Au intersected in banded iron formation (BIF) in diamond drilling at the Two Mile Hill gold deposit within the Sandstone gold project
  • This new discovery, in hole MSDD262, is the first significant intercept of this mineralised style hosted by brecciated BIF and one of a limited number of intercepts encountered to date within the more sparsely drilled Middle BIF
  • Higher gold grades associated with this style of mineralisation provide significant upside to the considerably more substantial, but lower grade, adjacent tonalite-hosted mineralisation
  • The distribution of higher grade BIF intercepts encountered to date suggests the mineralisation comprises a semi-continuous annulus, developed immediately peripheral to the tonalite contact, within both the Upper and Middle BIF units, with the Lower BIF yet to be drilledMSDD262 is the first diamond hole of the recently completed programme to be assayed, with results from the remaining holes pending.

The Two Mile Hill tonalite deeps deposit measures 250 m in length at surface, is 80-90 m wide and extends to at least 700 m depth. The deposit is located 4 km north of Middle Island’s 600,000 t/y Sandstone gold processing plant via an existing haul road. The deposit currently  comprises an Exploration Target of 24-34 Mt at 1.1 to 1.4 g/t Au (0.9 Moz-1.5 Moz of gold). It remains open at depth.

The picture shows ore sorting trials for the Sandstone gold project.