
Galantas Gold starts up Omagh processing plant in Northern Ireland

Posted on 8 Aug 2018

Galantas Gold has commenced operations at its Omagh processing plant, in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland, sourcing feed from the underground Kearney gold vein development.

The processing plant has had a recent upgrade to some sections and is expected to operate part-time until production stoping commences, anticipated late in 2018 or early in 2019.

The plant operates a froth flotation system for production of a gold-silver concentrate. This process removes the sulphide minerals and gold and concentrates them into a product suitable for smelter treatment. The concentrate is then exported, via Belfast port, to a smelter.

Galantas’ Omagh development reached the main Kearney gold vein back in June. The vein intersection is around 15 m below the base of the Kearney open pit (pictured).

A horizontal development tunnel, driven on vein at this level in both directions, has provided this limited mill feed.

The decline tunnel is planned to be extended at depth, along with construction of a second means of egress. This should provide access to lower levels and permit stoping between the first two horizontal levels.

A new 4 t capacity Epiroc LHD has been ordered on a rental-purchase basis to improve productivity in loading operations from the smaller cross-section vein drives. It is equipped with radio remote control, which enhances safety in stope mucking operations, and is expected to be delivered next month.