
Murchison updates Brabant-McKenzie mineral resource

Posted on 14 Sep 2018

Murchison Minerals has the results of the updated Mineral Resource estimate for the Brabant-McKenzie deposit located in north-central Saskatchewan, Canada. The September 4, 2018 Mineral Resource Estimate was performed by Finley Bakker Consulting and the new estimate includes the addition of 19 new diamond drill holes totalling 9,004 m which were completed between January and March 2018 by Murchison as well as a comprehensive re-interpretation of the geology of the deposit using current and historical drilling data and reports.

The September 4, 2018 Mineral Resource Estimate was calculated using Minesight/Hexagon 3D modelling software to define the mineralized limits of the deposit. The results will now be used to further systematically define future exploration programs for the deposit.

Highlights Include:

  • Total Indicated Mineral Resources of 2.1 Mt at 7.08% Zn, 0.69% Cu, 0.49% Pb, 39.60 g/t Ag or 9.98% Zn Eq
  • Total Inferred Mineral Resources of 7.6 Mt at 4.45% Zn, 0.57% Cu, 0.19% Pb, 18.40g/t Ag or 6.29% Zn Eq
  • Drilling provided significant confidence in the continuity of the mineralized zone
  • New resource calculation is based on the 19 diamond drill hole program, visual inspection and re-examination of previously drilled core and ongoing review of historical drill records
  • The extents of the deposit are not yet fully defined including to depth and laterally
  • Based on the current geological model, further work will focus on designing next steps exploration including additional follow-up drill programs

Murchison’s CEO and President Kent Pearson stated: “We are excited with the results of the 2018 resource estimate update as we continue to meet our objectives and successfully build on last year’s work on the Brabant-McKenzie deposit. We believed this deposit had room for further growth from the previous resource estimate and the increase in the Brabant-McKenzie resource estimate is significant as it demonstrates the potential for a robust deposit. Our geological modelling continues to outline and confirm the mineral continuity and the high-grade nature of the Deposit. Results from this program will be used to design next steps for exploration including additional drilling. We are focused on advancing the deposit to a stage which is intended to allow us to begin applying economics to it in an effort to determine its viability for development.”