
RCT helps Cat LHDs go digital at Gold Fields Granny Smith mine

Posted on 20 Sep 2018

RCT is helping Gold Fields’ Granny Smith mine in Western Australia achieve further efficiencies with its latest automation technology , the company said.

The underground gold mine’s CAT loaders, equipped with RCT’s ControlMaster® Teleremote and Guidance Automation solutions, will go digital with RCT’s Guidance Select and Guidance Control features, according to RCT.

“This will be facilitated via the mine network and RCT’s Automation Control Centre, all of which will transform their operations into a mine of the future,” RCT said.

The Guidance Automation solution ensures faster production cycle times and reduces potential machine damage during the tramming cycle.

The Granny Smith mine is 720 km east-north-east of Perth. It produced 290,000 oz of gold in 2017.