
Bechtel speeds up delivery of Alba’s Potline 6 Expansion in Bahrain

Posted on 14 Dec 2018

Aluminium Bahrain BSC (Alba), the Bahrain-based aluminium producer, has successfully produced the first hot metal at its Potline 6 Expansion project.

Potline 6, which is being executed by Bechtel as the engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) contractor, will make Alba the world’s largest aluminium smelter once at full production, Bechtel says.

Adding 540,000 t/y to Alba’s existing 1 Mt/y capacity, this new 1.4 km potline involves the construction of 424 pots in line 6, using Emirates Global Aluminium’s proprietary DX+ Ultra technology.

Paige Wilson, President of Bechtel’s Mining & Metals Global Business Unit, said: “We are very proud of this achievement. The Alba Potline 6 project’s 24-month schedule from Notice to Proceed to first hot metal, or first aluminium, is six months faster than the industry standard.

“This is a world-class achievement for the Kingdom of Bahrain, Alba and Bechtel. This success was only made possible thanks to the very strong collaborative relationship Alba and Bechtel have formed.”

Bechtel was appointed by Alba as the EPCM contractor with the responsibility to design and construct Potline 6 and support industrial services in April 2016 and received NTP in January 2017.

Potline 6 builds on a relationship between Alba and Bechtel that spans more than 25 years. Bechtel also previously served as EPCM contractor for the Line 4 and 5 expansions.