In its full year 2018 results, CONSOL Energy reports that on the operations front, its Pennsylvania Mining Complex (PAMC) achieved record production of 27.6 million (short) tons in 2018, eclipsing the previous record of 26.1 million tons set in 2017 and marking the third consecutive year of production growth.
CONSOL states: “During 2018, the complex ran at approximately 97% capacity utilisation, highlighting the desirability of our product. Additionally, our Bailey and Harvey mines each set individual production records during the year. Bailey’s 12.7 million tons surpasses its previous record set in 2014, while Harvey’s 5.0 million tons exceeds its previous record set in 2017. PAMC production for the full year benefited from strong demand for our products in the domestic and export markets, improving productivity, initial benefits from automation projects, and improving geological conditions at Enlow Fork mine.”
Bailey mine was the first mine to be developed at the PA mining complex and operates two longwalls and seven continuous mining sections; Enlow Fork mine also has two longwalls and seven continuous mining sections; while Harvey mine has one longwall and four continuous mining sections.