
Civeo captures Western Australia mining market share with Action buy

Posted on 3 Jul 2019

Civeo Corp says it has acquired Action Industrial Catering, a provider of catering and managed services to the remote mining industry in Western Australia.

Civeo, a provider of hospitality services with prominent market positions in the Canada oil sands and the Australia natural resource regions, said: “The acquisition significantly enhances Civeo Australia’s service offering and geographic footprint by providing an entry point into the growing integrated services opportunities in the Western Australian remote mining market.”

Established in 1995, Action is based in Perth, Australia, and currently operates around 900,000 room nights per year for iron ore, gold, nickel and battery mineral producers. Among its contracts is an agreement with Fortescue Metals Group for catering and support services for the miner’s 1,850 room Kangi Village, based within the Solomon Hub operations in the Pilbara of Western Australia (pictured).

“This acquisition brings contract visibility and strong relationships with top tier customers in Western Australia who are poised to benefit significantly from market trends, including expansionary projects in Western Australian iron ore and increasing global demand for lithium-ion batteries,” Civeo said.

Bradley J Dodson, Civeo’s President and Chief Executive Officer, said: “This acquisition significantly bolsters our Australian segment, providing a strategic foothold in the large integrated services and Western Australian markets, further strengthening Civeo’s market position as an integrated service provider across Australia.”

He continued: “Our acquisition of Action underlines our focus on pursuing growth opportunities that fit within our core competencies and strategic direction, while further enabling organic growth opportunities. Importantly, we are well-positioned to continue to capitalise on opportunities to grow our catering and managed services footprint in Australia as we maintain our commitment to top-tier service for all of our customers.”